Monday, June 27, 2011

General Deasil is still on break...

Yes our adoption is still NOT I am still on break. I don't want to break; therefore, I must prioritize what to stress about. Hopefully more updates to come after the adoption is final.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Yep that is me. A slacker. New job. Baby N-adoption in process still. Still working for CU. I will update with more once I am not such a slacker :) Have some awesome updates if I can ever get to them.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Guess I left folks hanging...

So what is new? Well, MawMaw lost Willard, my good friend Rachel was in the ICU for over a month because of the stupid swine flu, we have a new baby, and the semester is almost finished. So I suppose you can say I have been a tad busy and let this blog fall by the wayside, which is disappointing as this is something I really wanted to work on. Well this and many other things.

So I have been reading a lot, working a lot, taking care of new baby a lot, cleaning a lot...I suppose you get the picture. No worries, I am thrilled to have a job, new baby, my friend Rachel back in improving health, and a family that is just plain awesome, but I am darn stinkin tired. I haven't even had time to see my bestie's new baby either and she is almost a month old. How horrible of me. I just am going to have to make time to go. Saturday? Sunday? No wait we already have stuffed planned. Is it ok to cancel? I am not sure. I think that I am rambling because I just need an outlet today.
So you want to hear about new baby you say. Well here is the funny part. Because she is through a foster situation I really can't share much about her but I can tell you she is beautiful and I will post a pic of me and her and Seth and her. She is just too precious. I pray that the birthmom will see that we love her and are a wonderful fit for her and give new baby the best life possible. Until then we will just have to cross that bridge when we get there. No worries her name really isn't new baby but until we cross those bridges, she has to remain unidentified in pictures and posts.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ice or Snow, I don't know...

Here in the NC "mountains" we had ice and snow. How much of either? I have no clue. Probably close to 5-6" of snow before the ice set in and compacted it and turned the roads into pure ice skating rinks. It was beautiful though, I must say. Limited power outages here (very thankful).

I hear many folk talk about how exciting it is to be out of school, but I look at it as time I am going to have to take out of Spring Break. Folks talk about how great it is to be snowed in, but I have cabin fever. Needless to say, we ventured out today. Our road was treacherous...the main roads looked like nothing had ever happened. Can you believe that? So here is a picture of Friday night of the snow/ice...heck I dunno what you call it...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Year's Resolutions?

Do you make them? I used to. Then I quit. Then I made one to gain weight while I was pregnant (which was the first one I succeeded at). Then I quit again. Maybe I should not call them New Year's Resolutions. Perhaps something like, "stuff I needed to do anyway but just felt the need to start since it was a new year resolution." Would that work? Really too long to say in one sentence. But here is my stuff I need to do anyway list for the year in no particular order...

blog regularly (I won't even put a time frame because hey monthly is regular too)

declutter my life (house, storage, things, everywhere, keep only the necessary items, quit holding on to things just in case...)

stay true to my frugal ways (even with the addition of another job, grocery shopping once a month, eating at home, keeping the thermostat low, keeping up the search for free firewood, doing things ourselves instead of hiring folks to do it)

add more green things to my life (recycle more for sure. cook more meals at home, waste less, find alternate uses for items prior to recycling them, buy more second hand)

spend more quality time with Seth, Charles and NewBaby (quality [not quantity], plan more family outings, go on more family vacays together -read camping, work out a better routine for the evening

work on my relationship with God (funny I put that last and he should be first, I have just let this fall by the wayside only picking it up when needed, need to examine the drama I let myself be a part of, the type of people I pal around with, etc)

I suppose what I am saying is we all have areas of our life that we would like to work on. Mine are a constant struggle balancing time and energy (which I seem to lack but any mother can definitely empathize with that.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Famous? No not really...

Click here for April's Blog...

Through These Eyes...

Nope, no plug to write this. I just happen to think Mrs. Margaret (M. Elaine Elrod) is a wonderful person. I asked for this book for my birthday from my hubby, Seth. Oh yes HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. I decided to celebrate all week :).

Now this might seem all religious and all to you. And well because it is. So we all have struggles in life and well a lot of times we always feel ours are the worst (ok at least I am being honest about myself here). Then something comes along to put things in perspective. A relative with cancer is terminal-see not having extra money to go on vacation or out to eat isn't that big of a deal. Right? I feel bad for even worrying over something so silly when there are many people way worse of than us. We are blessed. We have a house, 2 cars (although they are at the youngest 8 and oldest 12, they still get us where we need to go), two stable jobs, and enough to provide for utilities and food. We have our health. Now I would say that is blessed. After you read Mrs. Margaret's book, you will see what I mean.

Now if you don't mind, please pray for our patience in awaiting our adoption/foster placement (maybe I will write more soon) and for comfort and peace to Seth's grandmother and husband.

So if you would like to read a book from someone who walks the walk and talks the talk, hop on over to Amazon and check it out her book.